Hi there! I'm Mindy and I'm so glad you decided to stop by today! As a natural light photographer I consider myself incredibly blessed to be able to use my love of photography to capture moments in time for my fantastic clients.

As a mama to two young children, my family comes first and as such, I am only scheduling a limited number of sessions each month so please book early to make sure you get on my calendar! If you have any questions or would like to book a session please email me at info@mindynewtonphotography.com or give me a call 209-304-7025.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Way I View...Happiness│Sacramento Children's Photographer

My year long project of documenting images monthly related to describing the way I view something has been a wonderful journey so far.  Here in month three the theme is "The Way I View...happiness".  Be sure to click over and see how Tarrah NeCole Photography views happiness, then continue on through the circle of photographers for a wonderful way to start your day!

noun 1.  the quality or state of being happy.   2.  good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

What is happiness to YOU?  The number of things that make me happy are too numerous to count, so I thought I would just list off a few for you...

Jumping in Mud Puddles

Blowing out candles with Grandma on her 90th birthday

An organized bookshelf with a few empty spaces

Leukemia in remission

Sneaking a lick of the spoon

Worshiping Jesus with childlike abandon

Hunting for Easter eggs

And most certainly...my children being sweet to one another!


Susan Palmer Edge said...

Mindy, these are all so lovely and I can tell hold so much meaning for you. Great job on all the happiness that surrounds you.

Gretchen said...

OM Gsh, Mindy these are so wonderful!!! I think my favorites are the mud puddles and the Easter Eggs. So bright and colorful! And your son, why, he's quite the musician. So awesome to see him so eagerly praising our Lord at such a young age!

Danie said...

Agree! Love how you've capture so much happiness this month! Leukemia...I can't even imagine...remission definitley happy. But I'm with Gretchen -- LOVE the puddles and Easter eggs. ;)