I recently found a pack of Bible related flashcards on clearance at Ross for $1.49. Always a deal seeker, I grabbed them up thinking they may come in handy with my preschooler. I was right. Since discovering them still in the bag, my son has enjoyed them to no end! He asks me to read them to him, to tell him stories about them, he counts them, uses them for sheet music when playing the piano and now...he is building with them. I came into the dining room to see his creation and was impressed with his cleverness to use the piano keys to keep the cards in place, and saddened a bit too as I realized he is growing up faster than I'm ready for.
I'm submitting these as my photos for Project 52 this week as they signify the new maturity and growth I have noticed in my son's behavior this week. It's appropriate too since Tuesday we registered him to start preschool in the Fall. Time is going by too fast!